Rovingpatrol's Blog

Was Obama Tipped off By Fitzgerald?

Posted in politics by roving on April 15, 2010

A woman who says she is a judge called into the Mark Levin show back in 2008 said she thinks Obama was tipped off and there was a cover-up in by Fitzgerald or someone in his office in order to protect Obama.  The judge is curious of why the wire taps were ended so suddenly.

Why did Fitzgerald end the investigation into Blago so soon? The judge in the upcoming trial has already said some documents will not be released. Seeing as how all judges to date have helped in the cover-up into Obama not releasing his documents that are sealed by using a strange excuse of “no standing” I can guess who’s name is most likely in the documents the judge says may not be made public.

Kenyan Parliament AGAIN Says Obama Was Born in Kenya

Posted in politics by roving on April 11, 2010

How many times must Kenyan officials say Obama was born in Kenya before anyone cares?  From my count, the Kenyan Parliament has mentioned it four times now.   Once right after Obama “won” the election and now again last month.

The ministry of lands James Orengo said this as the parliament was working out their new Constitution pdf:   “If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?”

Tax payer funded far left NPR had even did a story on Kenyan born Obama dated in 2008! The same NPR who call birthers nuts.

African news called Obama Kenyan born when he was running for the senate. Obama’s grandmother says Obama was born in Kenya. The Kenyan ambassador said Obama was born in Kenya.  Michelle Obama called Kenya Obama’s “Home country.”

Why is everyone falling back on the bogus Hawaii said Obama was born in Hawaii when that is not what they said? Could it be because there are so many people complicit in one of the biggest frauds in the history of this country, half our government would be  put on trial for treason?

Why didn’t Cheney ask for any objections during the counting of electoral votes in the congress? The Constitution states he MUST ask for objections.

What This Canadian Thinks Of America

Posted in politics by roving on April 10, 2010

Obama travels around the world trashing the United States. He thinks we are selfish and arrogant.

America has always been there to to help. How many countries have helped America?  The United States has nothing to be ashamed of. You hear that Obama?

Granted this was written in 1973 but it still holds true today.  Journalist Gordon Sinclair in 1973:

The Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals

Posted in politics by roving on April 9, 2010

From Facebook:

If a Conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.

If a Liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat..

If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.

If a Liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.

A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.

Liberals demand that those they don’t like be shut down.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.

A Liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it’s a foreign religion, of course!)

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.

A Liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a Conservative reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.

A Liberal will delete it because he’s “offended”.

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Beck, O’Rielly, MSM Forced To Defend Obama Over His Birth Certificate

Posted in politics by roving on April 7, 2010

By now millions have seen the tape of Michelle Obama calling Kenya Obama’s home country. Glenn Beck and other conservatives think Obama’s people are releasing tapes like that in order to bait the birthers and looking for reasons to mock them.  Glenn thinks Obama is poking at the birthers. Make them even more extremists.

What does Beck and the MSM use as evidence that convinces them beyond a doubt Obama was born in America? A news paper ad, a COLB that was proven a fraud, and the false assumption  Hawaii officials said he was born in Hawaii.

Anyone can  go out on the web and see for themselves all the stories and documents that show there is a big problem here. I’m sure Beck and the others have done just that yet are forced to call us kooks when they are the ones who come off as kooks by using what they have as “evidence.”

Mark Levin was talking to Hannity one night on Levin’s radio show and mentioned how large their listening audience has grown. Obama being in the White House has been very very good for them.

If you notice, certain things seems to be off limits to Glenn Beck and the MSM. Things like all his college records being sealed. Things that shouldn’t have anything to do with Obama’s birth certificate.  Why? Because his records would reveal the truth. Never in the history of the United States has so many records been sealed about a president, by a president. It was the very first thing Obama did after being sworn into office.

Obama knows  Fox News and the rest of the media  are not allowed to question the mountain of circumstantial evidence  showing there are huge questions of Obama’s nationality.

Obama is poking at Glenn Beck and the MSM then sitting back laughing as they all are  forced to defend him.

Liberty Sphere Report: Obama A Fraud and Liar

Posted in politics by roving on April 5, 2010

Its a shame the media was digging into Sarah Palin’s trash instead of doing real journalism work. If they had, we wouldn’t have almost 20% unemployment and be trillions in debt.

Obama was never a law professor. Obama never published a single article in the Harvard Law Review. What will it take to get the media off their knees before their king and do their damn jobs?

Michelle Says Kenya Is Obama’s Home Country

Posted in politics by roving on April 4, 2010

Michelle slips  up about Obama about Obama “home country.” To bad the media is so corrupt and keeps the truth hidden from the public.  Its just more evidence Obama wasn’t elected. Obama was selected to be president. McCain did everything he could to throw the election.

God Has Turned His Back On The United States

Posted in politics by roving on April 2, 2010

People are desperate. They see where the country is going. It wont be long and the United States will be just a memory. Our kids will be telling their grandchildren what the United States used to stand for. How other countries looked to ours for leadership, protection, and a place where everyone wanted to live.

It wasn’t long after 9/11 when I started thinking  the attack was a warning from God. We had been protected and blessed for so long and then God showed us what can happen if we turn our backs against him. He lifted his protection just for a moment.

The people didn’t pay attention to the warning.  The media still continually mock God. People try to remove God and Christian holidays out of view. Even a simple thing as the symbol of the  red cross agitates these people. They say people who believe in God are dangerous.

A Muslim was selected as our president. A Jew hater. He sat in Rev. Wrights church for 20 years listening to Jew hate speech. Obama attended a Jew bashing party that to this day the LA Times refuses to release the tape of. Obama makes fun of people who believe in God with his clinging to guns and religion statement.

The courts turned against religion and continue to be against religion with the bogus separation of church and state argument. It was a judge who made that up. It is nowhere in the Constitution.

If this country turns its back on Israel, we are finished and it looks exactly what Obama and Hillary Clinton are doing. Obama hasn’t sold Israel weapons since being in office. He had treasonous talks with the Palestinians telling them to keep up the resistance.

Churches all over the country pray God will intervene and save the United States yet it appears as though God still has his back turned against us. Everything Obama wants, Obama gets. Obama and his administration  can commit crime after crime and nothing happens. Even the Republicans say nothing and let it happen. God has closed the eyes and minds of Obama supporters. What they hated Bush for doing, are  fine with Obama doing the same thing and worse. They worship Obama as a God.

Obama will soon have control over our life through his health bill. He slapped all of us in the face who are against abortion forcing us to pay the  killing of babies. He goes after our seniors cutting their care and medicines.

Obama’s people will decide who receives treatments and who does not.  If he treats us like he treats the states and the dealerships who didn’t vote for him, it isn’t going to be pretty.

Every day it seems I see a little bit more of America dissipate. I no longer feel proud to be an American. Our enemies laugh at us and our friends are turning away from us. Its looking as though the millions who have shed blood and continue to do so for this country is and was in vain. I’m just glad I’m no longer in the military. I don’t think I could handle serving under a commander in chief who has such disdain for this country.

Maybe God gave us Obama to show us what will happen if we don’t change our ways and will begin to answer the peoples prayers and mete out some justice down the road.

Chicago Law Professors Hated Obama

Posted in politics by roving on March 31, 2010

The highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law spoke out on Barack Obama saying, “Professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings.” Doug Ross reported this and more:

I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back, and he did not have many nice things to say about “Barry.” Obama applied for a position as an adjunct and wasn’t even considered. A few weeks later the law school got a phone call from the Board of Trustees telling them to find him an office, put him on the payroll, and give him a class to teach. The Board told him he didn’t have to be a member of the faculty, but they needed to give him a temporary position. He was never a professor and was hardly an adjunct.

The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement). excerpt. read more at Gateway Pundit

I seem to recall when Obama had a job after college a the New York Public Interest Research group and a person who worked with Obama complained about how Obama just sat around if he even bothered to show up.

The media kept calling Obama the smartest man ever yet not one person in the media  has ever seen his grades. You take away Obama’s teleprompter and the genius of Obama shines through. The man doesn’t even know the difference between the  declaration of independence and the bill of rights.

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Obama’s Fix For Social Security

Posted in politics by roving on March 29, 2010

Social Security is broke. More money is being paid out then coming in. So many people are out of work and baby boomers are retiring, Social Security will be paid through general funds. (as though it hasn’t always been anyway)

Never fear though. Obama has an idea to save social security and it only took common sense to figure it out after seeing the key cuts in ObamaCare.

In order to save Social security, Obama will need less people collecting benefits. Take a look at the time line of what Obama does to the seniors to “help them” get off the social security rolls.

Here is Mark Levin reading some of what is in ObamaCare. Pay attention to what happens with our seniors and you tell me if Obama didn’t target them.

DNC Wants RNC To Sign Joint Civility Suit. (With A Straight Face)

Posted in politics by roving on March 27, 2010

The DNC has no proof of which party has shown”violence” against the democrats by throwing bricks through democratic office buildings but are working on the assumption Republican supporters are the ones doing it even though there are a lot of real Democrats along with most of the country also against the health bill. The Democrats with their fake concern wanted the Republicans to join them in signing a worthless piece of paper that called for “elected officials of both parties to set an example of the civility we want to see in our citizenry.”

“We also call on all Americans to respect differences of opinion, to refrain from inappropriate forms of intimidation, to reject violence and vandalism, and to scale back rhetoric that might reasonably misinterpreted by those prone to such behavior,”

If I were to document all the violence from the left against the right, I would need to open up another blog account so I could continue with part two.  If the Democrats and the media cant show its the Republicans throwing stones, they just make things up like saying they spit on Representatives and call them the N word. (Still waiting on the Video to pop up all over the place of that happening)

Maybe I can be of some help to the Democrats:

There was a movie made about assassinating a sitting U.S. President. Oh wait. That was done by the left against Bush.

Seniors were spat on, shoved, called names, police cars vandalized, dumpsters burned.  Opps. That was done by the left during the Republican convention.

Sarah Palins church was burned down. The gas line and phone lines were cut. Children were inside the church. Dammit, again, by the left.

A vice President contender was hung in effigy. Crap, that was done by the left to Sarah Palin.

Protesters with signs and yelling about wanting to  kill a sitting president.  Wait. That was towards Bush.

The vandalizing of military recruitment offices. The left again.

The shouting down and forcing Conservative speakers with threats of violence  to leave stages in colleges. Lefties. After all, only the left is allowed the privilege of free speech. How arrogant of the right not knowing that.

The assassinations of Lincoln and JFK by guess who. The left.

The hangings of blacks in the south, being against civil rights of blacks, and in favor of segregation. . Democrats of course.

Voting in KKK member Byrd for Senator  and who is still serving. Democrats

Voting in a Kennedy who let a woman die a slow horrible death while he covered his tracks. Yet again, Democrats. Hey Ted, bet you wish you have a nice cool glass of water about now.

Shots being fired at Lou Dobbs house. Lefties again.

Burning down of buildings and torching car lots in the name of the environment. lefties yet again.

By a complete sheer coincidence a shot fired in the air finds its way into the window of Republican’s Cantor campaign office.  Amazing! Who by the way says he receives threatening emails often because he is a Jew and we know how much the left hates the Jews.

The MSM calling every day  normal people terrorists.  Wishing certain Republicans death or illnesses on national TV.

The vile things Bill Maher says about Christians and Republicans on his show and the lefties clap and laugh.

Read some of the comments posted in the Huffington Post sometime. Oh, wait. Don’t do that. You may find its leftards who post the hate filled rhetoric. We can’t have facts shown by the right. Thats a no no. DO NOT GO THERE.

Nancy Pelosi calling Americans who disagree with her Nazis.

Wanting Conservative talk radio shows shut down so the people will only hear the White house talking points and  propaganda from the left.

Taking everything Rush Limbaugh says out of context and “making things up” yet says nothing about what people like Ed Schultz says on his radio program…and TV.

SO you Democrats with your fake concerns, you do not fool me at all. You people own the word rhetoric.  Before you blame the right, look in the mirror.

Think ObamaCare Wont Deny You? Think Again

Posted in politics by roving on March 26, 2010

Our seniors are going to take a really big hit because of the cuts in their Medicare. Obama is stealing over $500 billion from the seniors and shifting it to Medicaid. Obama calls this a deficit cut and he just may be telling the truth because now that millions of people will be shifted into Medicaid, people will be refused treatment and care.  This is where Obama’s “Maybe your mother would be better off taking a pain pill” comes into play.

Walgreens in Washington State will be denying all new Medicaid patients. Do you think it will only be in the state of Washington? Do you think Walgreens will be the only one starting to refuse Medicaid patents? No. Its going to slowly spread across the United States. Why should Walgreens or any other business pay for a patient prescriptions out of their own pocket? If they do, they wouldn’t be in business for long.  In my state of IL they are behind something like 6 months in reimbursing businesses.

Premiums will and have started to skyrocket and people will not be able to afford to hang onto their health insurance even though Obama SAID our premiums would drop $2500 per employee. Within a few years, health insurance companies will be forced out. This has been Obama’s plan all along.

Its just common sense that health care will be rationed and in order for it to be rationed, there will have to be a panel to deny care due to cost and some will die because of it. So yes Virginia there will be death panels because we already have them.  People are denied all the time. In private insurance and government insurance.

Doctors are already beginning to quit or state they will be. Less doctors mean waiting lists. People will die while waiting for care.  With Obama’s plan there will be no escaping it. If the Republicans health plan was approved, the chances of being denied would have been reduced drastically because it would have opened up the insurance companies to competition and  a larger pool of people to cover for the sick.

The Republicans have a real good plan and with luck after they take back control and attempt to repeal the disaster Obama made into law,  we will see real reform. The Republican plan is 4 pages long with common sense ideas compared to Obama’s 2,000+ page of control, deny, and death.

Why not let a doctor talk about his experience from a comments section at Pajamas Media:

I am a pediatric physical therapist. I routinely treat children with private insurance, Medicaid, and private pay. Medicaid coverage is so poor that my decision making process is markedly different for children on government health care, as I know they will receive a fraction of the services needed to best deal with their conditions. Children with severe neurological conditions(traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury) are routinely denied treatment that any other insurance provider would deem necessary. Private health care companies pay for these treatments as they recognize the connection between improved health/ mobility/ independence and reduced lifetime health costs. Medicaid does not. Wisconsin Medicaid is particularly nonsensical. Everyone, including young children, have 35 lifetime physical therapy visits. Once they are gone, you can apply for more sessions, but in nearly all cases treatment is denied. Examples of recent denials I have received:

A 19 year old one year status post traumatic brain injury had gained the ability to hold her head upright and turn her head to track conversations and people in the room. (A HUGE DEAL- imagine not being able to control where you are looking!). She also gained improved ability to consistently bear weight through her legs when transferring out of her wheelchair. (Another big deal- her mother had been lifting her. Imagine lifting your teenager any time she needed to be moved). Denied- “No functional progress.”

A seven year old with cerebral palsy had frequent respiratory infections. In PT she gained the trunk control to sit independently and gained sufficient respiratory control to cough and to swallow her own saliva without choking. (The respiratory component is huge- when a child with limited motor control dies, it is generally due to pneumonia). Denied- “No functional progress.”

The hardest part of my job is talking with parents who know their child’s independence, health, and ability to safely get through the day will be compromised due to Medicaid restrictions. Increased government control over health care will wreak havoc among the countries most vulnerable populations, as having health insurance is not the same as getting appropriate health care.

The Democrats are not only using this health care as a way to control our lives, they are going to use it as a population control as well.

Mark Levin Wants His Utopia NOW DAMMIT!

Posted in politics by roving on March 25, 2010

Obama promised a paradise on earth if only the people would elect him. Well, Mark Levin is tired of waiting.

And So It Begins. Higher Insurance Premiums

Posted in politics by roving on March 24, 2010
Image by Mad Mike 3000 via Flickr

I didn’t know it was going to start this quick but I guess the insurance companies need the money to try and last as long as possible before they are forced out of business.

“So I just got a call from my health insurance provider. My family rates are going up $200/month … $2400/year per employee effective April 1st.”

How is this possible? Obama said he was going to reduce our premiums by $2,500.  He said it over and over. Gee, did the Great Messiah tell a lie?

Not only that but  doctors quitting has also began. The Communists er I mean the Democrats can have all the health care they want but if there is no doctors, where do the people go for health care? They seemed to have left that part out of the scheme of things.

Another bit of bad news, Medicare patients are already feeling the pain. Just as Obama planned. He has a thing against our seniors and babies.

A local radio station in the Upstate of South Carolina, which has a call-in show each afternoon, was inundated with calls Tuesday afternoon concerning hospitals turning away Medicare patients this week.

One elderly woman was sent home from the emergency room after the bare minimum of treatment with a fever of 103 degrees.  When she was forced to return to the emergency room within 24 hours, due to the fact that she was not adequately treated the first time, the doctor informed her they could not give her care because it was ‘too soon after her initial treatment.’

Maybe NOW the seniors will realize the Democrats have never been on their side. Now if only the Jewish population in this country will also come to the same conclusion. The Jewish people are hard to understand. They see themselves being attacked but keep standing by the attacker until its to late.

Talking To The Clueless Is Surreal

Posted in politics by roving on March 23, 2010

There is a man at work who is 100%  pro Obama. When Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize he came to me so he could gloat. He asked me if I had heard Obama won the prize. I said yes then asked him if he knew what the prize is for and what has he done to deserve it?  He couldn’t answer the question. I then asked him if he knew Obama was nominated only a couple weeks after being sworn in. All he could could come up with was “Well, Obama is going to make us liked around the world.” I told him that isn’t  the purpose of the prize. A person had to of already accomplished something.

This is your typical Obama supporter. Totally clueless. I can’t really blame him for being clueless. He doesn’t get on the web and gets all his news off the TV.

The surreal part is trying to tell a clueless person about Obama, what his purpose is, and what he has done. It sounds so unreal it makes me sound like the idiot. I mean how can a person who has done what Obama has done get elected in the first place? No normal American would want to touch Obama with a 10ft pole. Hes poison. His preacher, his friends, even his mother. All poison. I warned him during the campaign Obama was a border line Communist. He just laughed it off.

He likes this health bill Nancy Pelosi bribed other democrats to get passed. When I told him our premiums are going to double and triple starting next yr he doesn’t believe me.  I told him doctors will be quitting or forced out of practice because they are going to be taking a big hit and will not be able to afford to stay in business.  With in the next few years we are going to be seeing health insurance companies closing because they cannot stay in business covering everyone. Do the math.  I told him I was upset because being 100% pro choice except in the case of the mother being in danger, I have to pay for abortion of women who use it as birth control. His response, “You’re just saying that because you don’t like Obama.”

This man gets angry at people on welfare or scams SSI. He just doesn’t get it. Our premiums and taxes are going to go up so even more of our tax dollars will cover people who can’t or wont buy it themselves.

I was talking to another person. This person watches no news. She also doesn’t read the paper. She says its all bad news so why bother. When I told her  we all will eventually be getting out health care from the government she thought that sounded good. I told her the problem is, there will be rationing because this country can’t afford it. There will be waiting lists to see doctors. People will be refused life saving drugs because of the expense. Her, I turned around. Lot of good it does anyway because she doesn’t vote.

The problem is, the guy does vote and there are clueless millions just like him who also vote.

Try it sometime. Go up to a clueless Obama supporter. Tell the person about who Obama hung out with, his beliefs, all the czars, the lawyers who defended terrorists that are now in the justice department, how he is getting our people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan because of the rules of engagement, how Obama said he wanted to bankrupt coal mines,  how he wants our electricity bills to skyrocket, the many many lies Obama has told.

Tell them everything and you will see how surreal it is.