Rovingpatrol's Blog

The Media and Conservatives Afraid Of Obama’s Birth Certificate

Posted in politics by roving on April 16, 2011

  Mark levin has been pleading with his listeners, beware of  Donald Trump saying he cannot be trusted because of his past campaign donations to Democrats and calling for Bush’s impeachment over Iraq. What really scares Levin is the birth certificate talk. He makes fun of those in his listening audience by demanding Harry Reid release his birth certificate. Levin also says the birth certificate is a losing issue.

What Levin fails to mention when talking about Trump, his hero Ronald Reagan was once a Democrat before seeing the light. Who is to say Trump also opened his eyes and sees where the Democrats are talking this country? Levin also repeatably makes remarks how the liberals ignore the constitution or try and change it. Yet Levin does the same thing when it comes to Obama’s self admitted duel citizenship. Total silence from the great one.

Just today while listening to another conservative talk radio show, the host brought up two things that other conservatives continually bring up. The problem is, the caller agreed without thinking it through just like Levin and the others refuse to do but I have the answer as to why they are wrong.

The most desperate sounding right sided talk radio personalities has to be John Gibson and his side kick Angry Rich. Gibson is so misinformed he sounds silly even bringing up the subject. Its to the point now when I hear him start to mention the birth certificate, I turn the station. totally brain dead on the subject…or are they?

What I find the most odd of all from  the conservatives who claim the birth certificate is a dead issue, refusing to even talk about all the other records Obama has locked up. I can’t come up with an explanation for that. Obama has locked up every single piece of documentation,  and all we hear from the media and especially from  “our side” is crickets.  Odd indeed.

Question, why was it okay demanding McCain release his birth certificate but not Obama’s?  I suspect I will never hear the answer from Levin.

Now for the answer of the two statements we hear over and over.

1. Its a trap. Obama will release the birth certificate and it will make Republicans look like fools.

2. Hillary Clinton would have brought the birth certificate into the light if she found something wrong.

3. Its a distraction. We should be focused on getting Obama out of office and other things he is doing to this country.

1. I have been hearing this trap thing for over 2yrs now. There is no trap.  Why spend all that money fighting the release of the documents? Pretty expensive and time consuming trap. Obama let a decorated veteran go to jail just so he could spring this trap on us sometime in the future? Okaaay.

2. The Clinton’s are dirty. They have plenty of secrets they would like kept that way. One thing Obama is good at is finding out a persons weak spot. Its how he wins elections. Look at what he did to Ryan in the Senate race in IL as well as Obama being able to kick everyone off the ballot on his side so there wasn’t much of choice left for the voters.

Clinton has things on Obama and Obama has things on the Clinton’s. I would have loved to have been in the room where Obama and Bill Clinton had a private meeting for over an hour during the campaign. You know, when suddenly Bill was behind Obama and he made Hillary his illegal Secretary of State? ( it explicitly says in the constitution no member of congress or senate can be Secretary of State)

3. According to Levin and others we are too stupid and are not able to multitask.  Our argument is, we use anything and everything to bring down Obama.

Levin is upset Trump is ahead in the polls. Well maybe the others should take a cue from Trump and stop being such wussies. I can’t say I trust Trump 100%. Yes I have problems of who he donated money too but Trump is the only one who is really going after Obama and going after him hard.

What Levin, Beck, the media and others are more afraid of is if it does come out Obama was never born here, they have egg on their faces. The media we can understand. They have been in the tank and covering for Obama since day one.  We have been begging Republicans and conservatives who have the power to take this on even if its just the other records Obama has hidden and all they do is ignore or make fun of us.

Any fool can see there is something really wrong here. Why would someone running for president hide all his records? Even something as normal as Senate records and medical papers.

A woman called into Rush’s show and told him if it does come out Obama has no birth certificate, he, along with the others should be ashamed of themselves.  Bravo. I agree. This whole thing has been shameful. This could of ended during the campaign by never letting up. Release your documents.

Levin, Rush, and Savage

Posted in politics by roving on July 5, 2010

I have started to lose interest in talk radio. They participate in the cover-ups in Obama’s past. Sometimes they throw a crumb out there but not much.  Some of the big name blogs are the same. Hot Air being one from the top of my head.  With no proof whats so ever, they declare Obama born in Hawaii and ignore all the other evidence showing he was not.

If I didn’t know better,  I could swear Levin and the rest of the conservative talk show hosts are having a grand old-time with Obama being in power. Obama gives talk radio any number of subjects to object too. It’s that or they are being watched and are under orders of what will be allowed or not allowed to talk about. They are  very careful just how far they go. I can almost hear the eggshells cracking in the background.

Mark Levin on Obama: “He is not a dictator even though he acts like one, sounds like one, and thinks like one. There I said it.” What? This statement makes no sense at all. You hear that?  The sound of eggshells cracking are very loud .

Levin is probably the worse of them all.  Levin claims to be a constitution expert. He even cites the federalists papers now and then. So, it seems odd Levin never brings up the fact that Obama’s father was a British citizen.  Levin out of all of them should know that alone disqualifies Obama from office.  Levin has never brought up the fact that VP Cheney was constitutionally required to ask for objections during the electoral count.

Levin also has a problem debating liberal callers. Oh wait, He doesn’t debate them.  He calls them a name and hangs up on them. Sometimes he will fire off a bunch of questions to the liberal caller, not give them any time to answer and hang up saying they didn’t want to answer.  I heard him once ask a lib caller 4 questions. One after another, then hang up. Not giving the lib any chance at all to get a word in. What is Levin afraid of?  Why would any lib call his show knowing he wont be able to finish a sentence?  However, if you bought any of Levin’s books or heaped praise after praise on him, you have all the time in the world to talk. Heck, he may even come back to you after a break. Is Levin afraid to debate?  I know I love it when a lib is taken apart bit by bit. But time after time, Levin wont do it.

The best talk show host to take on a lib in my opinion would have to be Gibson. He purposely takes calls from Libs. He lets the whole world see just how uninformed, racists, and uneducated they are.  He is also very funny. Along with Angry Rich and Christine.

Mark Levin calls the Obama regime a “soft tyranny.” He will then proceed to say what all Obama has done. How much of the private market he has taken over, the rights we have and will lose. On and on he goes. By the time Levin is done, he just described a hard tyranny. I wonder what would be considered a hard tyranny in his eyes?  If any caller calls it a hard tyranny, or goes to far in describing Obama, I can almost hear the panic in his voice.  “Be careful” Levin will say to a caller. Or, “I don’t think I will be in trouble for that. What do you think Mr. Producer?” In trouble from whom?

Levin calls everyone a backbenchers. Hell even I have seen where Obama was going before Levin did. I have written blogs in the past that predicted what Obama was doing weeks before Levin or even the others seen it.   It was just a couple of days after the oils spill that I knew Obama purposely wanted that oil to come ashore so he can say, “See? This is what happens when we drill.” Then it  gives him an excuse to shut down drilling. Levin brags what he says will be repeated tomorrow. It’s very rare I ever seen that happen.  Now Rush, yes. What Rush says will make the rounds of the MSM. It will be taken out of context or even be misquoted but he’s out there in all the broadcasts.  I have started to listen to Levin less and less.

I have a job so I’m not able to listen to Rush’s program all the way through but as of yet I haven’t heard Rush or Levin talk about the Blago trial. About how Obama had lied to the FBI and how that should get Obama arrested.  Why are they silent on this trial going on? It’s very puzzling.

Rush has “Open line Friday.” Yeah, right. He says we are boring but he is willing to talk about anything his callers want to talk about. All that is except Obama birth certificate, his dual citizenship, or anything that could get Obama kicked out of office.  Open line Friday my ass.  Rush, Levin, and Savage  call Obama a narcissist  yet in the same breath say how great they themselves are.

Every now and then Rush will tease his audience by bringing up the fact Obama has never shown his birth certificate. It’s the way he does it though. He tries to do it in a lighthearted way.  They all leave out the fact that Obama has paid $2 million or so trying to keep it hid.  A man who worked in the Hawaiian government during the election has come out and says he would swear in court there is no birth certificate on file for Obama is completely ignored.

Savage is very hard to listen to. Savage will bring up the fact Obama is not a natural-born citizen. He will bring up the crimes that Obama has committed.  The problem is, the only way you would be able to hear it is if you listen to the whole show. He goes after Obama hard but he jumps all over the place. He plays music, he talks about where he ate and how it messed up his body. His latest illness.   Look, I could care less about his last bowel movement or his personal life. I want the dirt on Obama.  Savage also seems to have problems with women. I admit I don’t listen often but every time he brings up a woman politician, he puts them down. He seems to have a special hatred for Sarah Palin.  I have heard him on numerous times get his facts completely wrong on her.

I seen McCain purposely throwing the election. I’m not sure how Savage feels about that but try telling Rush or Levin that. See how long you last on the line or even getting past the call screener. I do know Savage feels Obama was selected for President and I agree with him. It was so obvious.  Where he is wrong though, he blames Sarah Palin for McCain’s loss. It was Palin who brought the energy to the campaign. It was her the people wanted to see. Not McCain.  If it wasn’t for Palin, McCain wouldn’t have gotten as many votes as he did.  Savage really needs to get over his sexists attitude.

My guess…talk radio gets a lot of listeners because they hope one day they will really go after Obama.  They like me, will give up when they  realize,  they wont or can’t.   They continually harp about how important it is to vote this fall when if they would had gone after him from day one, Obama wouldn’t be president now and we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Thanks for nothing guys.  Some things are more important than how many people you can get to listen to the shows.

Hawaiian Elections Clerk Admits Participating in Election Fraud

Posted in politics by roving on June 19, 2010

Tim Addams, a senior Hawaii election clerk has admitted twice now that there is no birth certificate on file for Obama and no record in any hospital showing Obama was born there. WND has the story of Addams.

What’s missing from the story: Tim Addams has admitted to election fraud and the cover-up of the fraud by keeping silent.  I can only guess  why he waited to so long to come forward to tell his story.  He most likely voted for Obama. Maybe he figures its safe to admit the fraud because he knows nothing will happen. He sees others being made fun of and called names. He sees judge after judge   too afraid to hear the evidence so they boot the cases out against Obama using the excuse of  having no standing. The fraud has gone on for so long now, it’s too late to do anything about it. Officials are on record lying and if a judge allowed the evidence in, it would cause havoc in the government. The cover-up is wide spread and deep.

Here we have a man admitting to a crime and not one person in law enforcement does anything. What about our talk show heroes? Limbaugh. Silent. Levin. silent. Beck. silent. Any other time our glorious talk show hosts would be pushing for an investigation. They wont because all of them are frauds or cowards. Take your pick. Normally the FBI would be all over election fraud  but because its Obama, its hands off.

Addams says he would swear in court he is telling the truth. Well Mr. Addams, just for kicks, how about contacting the state’s attorney general. Tell them what you know. Or, you could turn yourself in to the FBI.  That would be good for starters.

O’Reilly’s Defense Of Obama’s Birth In Hawaii

Posted in politics by roving on June 6, 2010

O’Reilly thinks anyone who believes Obama was not born in Hawaii are kooks and uses the birth announcement in the Hawaii paper as proof somehow. Its a weak argument since anyone can place an ad in any paper but okay, lets go with that.

What if he were to find out there is proof the birth announcement was a total fraud? Well it just so happens there is proof its a fake announcement. Don’t believe me? Check it out for yourself. my very own point of view.

Now, what say you pinhead?

Kenyan Parliament AGAIN Says Obama Was Born in Kenya

Posted in politics by roving on April 11, 2010

How many times must Kenyan officials say Obama was born in Kenya before anyone cares?  From my count, the Kenyan Parliament has mentioned it four times now.   Once right after Obama “won” the election and now again last month.

The ministry of lands James Orengo said this as the parliament was working out their new Constitution pdf:   “If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?”

Tax payer funded far left NPR had even did a story on Kenyan born Obama dated in 2008! The same NPR who call birthers nuts.

African news called Obama Kenyan born when he was running for the senate. Obama’s grandmother says Obama was born in Kenya. The Kenyan ambassador said Obama was born in Kenya.  Michelle Obama called Kenya Obama’s “Home country.”

Why is everyone falling back on the bogus Hawaii said Obama was born in Hawaii when that is not what they said? Could it be because there are so many people complicit in one of the biggest frauds in the history of this country, half our government would be  put on trial for treason?

Why didn’t Cheney ask for any objections during the counting of electoral votes in the congress? The Constitution states he MUST ask for objections.

Beck, O’Rielly, MSM Forced To Defend Obama Over His Birth Certificate

Posted in politics by roving on April 7, 2010

By now millions have seen the tape of Michelle Obama calling Kenya Obama’s home country. Glenn Beck and other conservatives think Obama’s people are releasing tapes like that in order to bait the birthers and looking for reasons to mock them.  Glenn thinks Obama is poking at the birthers. Make them even more extremists.

What does Beck and the MSM use as evidence that convinces them beyond a doubt Obama was born in America? A news paper ad, a COLB that was proven a fraud, and the false assumption  Hawaii officials said he was born in Hawaii.

Anyone can  go out on the web and see for themselves all the stories and documents that show there is a big problem here. I’m sure Beck and the others have done just that yet are forced to call us kooks when they are the ones who come off as kooks by using what they have as “evidence.”

Mark Levin was talking to Hannity one night on Levin’s radio show and mentioned how large their listening audience has grown. Obama being in the White House has been very very good for them.

If you notice, certain things seems to be off limits to Glenn Beck and the MSM. Things like all his college records being sealed. Things that shouldn’t have anything to do with Obama’s birth certificate.  Why? Because his records would reveal the truth. Never in the history of the United States has so many records been sealed about a president, by a president. It was the very first thing Obama did after being sworn into office.

Obama knows  Fox News and the rest of the media  are not allowed to question the mountain of circumstantial evidence  showing there are huge questions of Obama’s nationality.

Obama is poking at Glenn Beck and the MSM then sitting back laughing as they all are  forced to defend him.

Michelle Says Kenya Is Obama’s Home Country

Posted in politics by roving on April 4, 2010

Michelle slips  up about Obama about Obama “home country.” To bad the media is so corrupt and keeps the truth hidden from the public.  Its just more evidence Obama wasn’t elected. Obama was selected to be president. McCain did everything he could to throw the election.

Obama’s Birth Doctor Was Obama Senior’s Neighbor

Posted in politics by roving on March 6, 2010

Why is Obama fighting the release of his birth certificate? He has it in his possession yet chooses to post a fake COLB.  Why will no judge consider looking at any evidence? What are they afraid of? Why did Cheney break constitutional law by not  asking for any objections during the vote?  Why does Beck, O’Reilly and others continually cite Fact Check when it was found even they committed a fraud?

Inspector Smith, the man who says he was able to get Obama’s birth certificate out of Kenya by bribing a guard, which caused   the firing of the top national police police officer of Kenya  during the cowardly judge Carter debacle stumbled onto more information.

The doctor whos signature is on the Obama Kenyan birth certificate was a neighbor of Obama senior at the time Obama was born as was reported in the All Africa news website. The story had to do with the daughter, now a judge forgiving the person of her fathers unsolved murder. Yes, it sad but its who the news article  says lived next to Obama senior who is important. The same doctor everyone claimed was in a different part of the country at the time of Obama’s birth. James Ang’wa

read more at Free Republic

News Media Act Stupidly Over Obama’s Birth Certificate…Again

Posted in politics by roving on February 27, 2010
United States President Barack Obama's birth c...
Image via Wikipedia

Yet another news agency spreads misinformation about Obama’s birth certificate. Today Sky News did a story about “birthers” and falsely claimed Obama’s paper birth certificate was burned in a fire that destroyed many state records. There are four problems with this.

1. The Obama people claimed this happen

2. The media reports it as fact.

3. In Obama’s book Dreams of my father he writes he has the birth certificate in his possession.

4. The media Doesn’t seem to put two and two together and see that Obama lied, or they are ignoring this huge lie about the birth certificate being destroyed in a fire.

Glenn Beck compares birthers to terrorists. You see, Obama has been very very good to Beck. If not for Obama, Beck wouldn’t be where he is today. Getting to the bottom of Obama’s birth certificate would get Obama thrown out sooner. Beck, along with Fox News  wants to milk this presidency for all its worth.  Beck and O’Reilly just repeat  things that have been proven false for 2 yrs now and wouldn’t dare look into any of it himself.

Feb 26 it was posted in Post Mail Blog they have received pdf files from Hawaii showing the Hawaiian birth index has no record of Obama listed.  This does not surprise me at all. After all, there is no record of Obama or Obama’s mother ever being admitted into any hospital in Hawaii…ever.

The media wonders why they are becoming irrelevant.  Well its because every day people are doing the media’s job while they  sit there spinning the news, protecting terrorists, covering up stories, and calling every day Americans names.

Rush Limbaugh And Obama’s Birth Certificate

Posted in politics by roving on February 26, 2010
Where's the Birth Certificate?
Image by _saturnine via Flickr

Every now and then Rush will mention Obama’s birth certificate. Its not much but I think he knows there is a problem. He has told a  joke about it before:

“What do God and Barack Obama have in common?  The answer, that neither one of them has a birth certificate!”

Yesterday on his show he brought it up again by reading a blog written by a blogger. Its very subtle but its there. Makes a person wonder why he picked that blog. Maybe he fears if he makes a big deal out of Obama not producing his birth certificate, the MSM will only only focus on calling Rush a kook so he just puts little jabs in there about it every so often.  I don’t know.

Story #6. RUSH: A blogger… Who is this guy? Bungalow Bill.  Bungalow Bill commenting on the unfortunate death at Sea World yesterday where that whale pulled the trainer in there and it was over: “We Know More About Tilikum the KILLER Whale in Five Hours, Than We Knew About Obama Before the Election … The mainstream media failed to report on Obama’s college days, his birth certificate, his drug use, his associations with Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, his connections to ACORN, his participation with the Annenberg project, how he used the courts to win earlier elections, his direction towards communism, racial beliefs, and all the dirty little secrets hidden so Obama could assume office. Now that he is president, the mainstream media still fails to dig deeply into the healthcare plan, the stimulus plan, and all the other controversial bills leading towards socialism.

If Obama’s Birth Certificate Is Silly, Why All The Eligibility Bills?

Posted in politics by roving on February 18, 2010

Several states are working on introducing bills that will require presidential candidates  prove they are eligible.  Arizona not only wants the information from the candidates but wants state officials to double check  them. Other states have contacted Arizona to find out more about their bill.

Well gee. Why are states introducing these bills? They never thought of doing this before. Why now? Is it their way of saying us birthers may have a point? Maybe it bothers the states that Obama has not released any of his documents like it bothers anyone who has even half a brain.

I don’t expect Obama to run for another term but if he would, what would the people think if he decided to skip any state that has the eligibility bill in effect?  What possible excuse could they come up with? Would Levin, Beck, and the others have their orders to be silent or make fun of birthers  be allowed to talk about it?

What about the MSM? I wonder if they would somehow ignore Obama skipping states to camapign in. There would no way to spin it for Obama.

When or if it comes out Obama never was eligible to be president, there is a whole lot of people who have a whole lot of explaining to do.

Anyone with even an once of common sense knows something is very very wrong when anyone running for president puts every one of his documents under lock and key.  The talk show hosts and MSM are so intimidated they refuse to even bring that part  up. I cant help but wonder why not. My guess is they know if any of his documents are released it will lead to his not being a natural born citizen.

These bills being introduced is the states way of saying they will let Obama do himself in or not bother running again because they know…

Fellow Birthers, Your Not Crazy. We Are Growing

Posted in politics by roving on February 12, 2010

The polls show more and more people are questioning Obama’s eligibility.  Even in CA As Obama’s popularity drops the polls will only go higher.

Once again while listening to the radio, the host said Obama has proven beyond doubt Obama was born in Hawaii and once again came up with zero examples.

When people like Beck or O’Reilly do cite “evidence” they bring up the image of a COLB Obama posted on his website, the birth announcement planted in the paper, and the wishy washy statement from the Hawaii Official that really didn’t answer the question. This is all they have.  Only an idiot or someone  desperate to keep sleeping dogs lay would use that as evidence. Obama being president has been very well for talk shows and Fox News.

I don’t think they are idiots. They have their marching orders.  Put down anyone  questioning Obama’s past or your out of a job…or worse.

Its very very odd not one big time radio host or anyone on Fox News bring up the fact that Obama through executive order had ALL his records sealed right after being sworn into office and to this day is fighting the release of his records in courts throughout the country.  Very odd indeed. Remember during the campaign Fox News was told to lay off Obama for awhile.

Obama’s own Grandmother said she was in the hospital room when Obama was born in Kenya. Some laughingly claim she was talking about HER son.  Soon after making that statement the Kenyan government surrounded her hut and kept reporters away.

A respected African  newspaper did a story about  Kenyan born Obama running for Senate.

The Hawaiian paper also had a story which called Obama Kenyan born until they cleaned up the story.

The Kenyan government sealed all of Obama’s records. (or destroyed)

The Kenyan ambassador said it is already well known Obama was born in Kenya.

Obama has seen and held his birth certificate yet releases a COLB. Why? (because that is what is issued to children born overseas)

The COLB has been discredited by three different  experts as being a fraud. Link 1 /Link 2

Fact check is unreliable because they have ties with Obama.

At the time Obama was born, anyone from from the states or from another country could obtain a Hawaiian COLB.

Anyone can have a birth announcement put in a paper and not live there.

The address given with the birth announcement has been proven Obama never lived there.

One of the many social security cards numbers Obama had/has show he was born on the east coast. Numbers found by a private detective who retired from working in Scotland Yard.

Not one doctor, nurse, aide, or hospital has come forward claiming Obama was born there.

Obama’s sister says Obama was born in one hospital, Obama names a different hospital.

There are no records in any hospital in Hawaii showing Obama’s mother or Obama had ever been admitted for ANYTHING.

Obama told a marine he met in 1980 he was born in Kenya.

You get the idea.  If everything was put up against Beck and the others arguments, well, they look a little silly. It just proves the point. They dare not let information get out. Its as if they all received the same talking points.

The biggest clue there is a cover-up is the FACT not one of the big shot TV or radio personalities will not even discuss the fact Obama has released ZERO documents and has lawyers working around the clock to keep them that way.  The birther “facts” outweigh the after-birthers “facts.”

What say you O’Reilly?

“Conservative” Posters And Blogs Have Convinced Me

Posted in politics by roving on February 7, 2010

Congratulations. After reading your countless put downs of people wanting to see the Obama’s birth certificate, you have finally convinced me.

Lets just pick and choose what part of the constitution matters. We will just sit back and wait till Obama is voted out of office then go back to following the constitution.

After all whats the big deal? So what Obama sends lawyers all over the country fighting the release of documents that are normally released by anyone running for president.

If you have no problem with that, well then that’s good enough for me.  After all, we who just wanted to see Obama’s sealed records are just kooks.

Oh great ones, I agree we are just to stupid not to be able to handle more then one thing at a time. Lets just concentrate on Obama’s policies. That is more important then a illegal sitting president.  Its much better to wait and hopefully undo all the damage Obama is able to create by serving his full time.

NOT! No matter what you say, how many names you all call us, you can not and never will change our minds. Just as we will never change yours.

There was a problem with McCain and his BC. Did McCain hire lawyers to keep it hidden? No. He showed it. Yet for some reason asking Obama to show his makes us other conservatives look like kooks.

Lets not talk about  why the media is ignoring the issue.

  • A major TV talk-show host reported that he was ordered not to raise the birth certificate issue or risk losing his job.
  • FCC officials threatened to yank broadcasting licenses, break up conglomerates, and make the enactment of the Fairness Doctrine “look mild” in comparison to other consequences.
  • In at least one corporate TV headquarters, memos were circulated to all on-air employees not to mention the birth certificate issue, as well as other specific subjects like Obama’s Illinois lawyer’s license, his college records, etc., under both implied and explicit threats.

Sounds to me like you and the others  are the true kooks.

Okay Obama, I have A Question About Your Policy

Posted in politics by roving on February 5, 2010

Okay to question my policy, not my faith…or my nationality.”  Barack Obama .

I don’t question your faith. I already know your a Muslim. You yourself admitted it on CNN.

I have a question about your policy. Mr. Obama, why is it the day of your swearing in, the very first thing you did was sign a executive order 13489 sealing all your records?

Is it a common policy to have lawyers running all over the country fighting the release of records that are normally released by anyone running for president?

Real Reason Obama Will Be One Term President

Posted in politics by roving on January 27, 2010

Even though the kings of radio refuse to mention it and the print media publish lies, more people are becoming concerned about all the records Obama has sealed and continues to fight in court to keep them that way. Just 51% of Americans believe Obama is eligible.

Contrary to what the media continually  repeats, Obama DID NOT release his birth certificate.  The COLB he put on his website is not a birth certificate. What he released, is the same COLB anyone in the world could get from Hawaii. We know he has the long form. He said so in his book while rifling through his Grandmothers things.

Obama had mentioned months ago that he may be a one term president then again said it with his “Rather be a good one term president then a mediocre two time president.”

Obama has fought off lawsuit after lawsuit of people trying to force him to produce his birth certificate along with all his other records.  All judges so far are afraid to look at any evidence and  instead used the weak excuse “No standing.”

Sooner or later Obama will be found out and he knows it. Leo Donforio is representing over 20 closed down dealerships which in the end will force Obama to turn over his hidden records.

Several states are working on legislation that would require anyone running for president provide proof they are natural born citizens. All it would take is just ONE state to pass this law and Obama is finished.

The left make fun of us who only want to see the proof by calling us birthers. I’m proud to be a birther. For the ones who have no problem with Obama hiding EVERYTHING all the way down to his medical records, you would be good candidates for someone trying to sell bridges to.

I have yet to hear from anyone of why Obama would seal all his records. They call him a genius but Obama refuses to even show his grades.

What I believe his college records would show is, his schooling was paid for with foreign aide.  How did he pay for his education with no job?  His medical records would show his drug use and the country he came from.

Just some of what Obama is hiding and refuses to release. There is plenty more he has hidden but I would settle for these:

1 Certified copy of original birth certificate

2 Columbia University transcripts

3 Columbia thesis paper

4 Campaign donor analysis requested by 7 major watchdog groups

5 Harvard University transcripts

6 Illinois State Senate records

7 Illinois State Senate schedule

8 Law practice client list and billing records/summary

9 Locations and names of all half-siblings and step-mother

10 Medical records (only the one page summary released so far)

11 Occidental College Transcripts

12 Schedules for trips outside of the United States before 2007

13 Passport records for all passports

16 Scholarly articles

17 SAT and LSAT test scores

18 List of all campaign workers that are lobbyists

Even if Obama’s birth certificate shows he was born in Hawaii ( I don’t believe it would) he still wouldn’t be eligible to be president due to his father  British citizenship.