Rovingpatrol's Blog

Levin, Rush, and Savage

Posted in politics by roving on July 5, 2010

I have started to lose interest in talk radio. They participate in the cover-ups in Obama’s past. Sometimes they throw a crumb out there but not much.  Some of the big name blogs are the same. Hot Air being one from the top of my head.  With no proof whats so ever, they declare Obama born in Hawaii and ignore all the other evidence showing he was not.

If I didn’t know better,  I could swear Levin and the rest of the conservative talk show hosts are having a grand old-time with Obama being in power. Obama gives talk radio any number of subjects to object too. It’s that or they are being watched and are under orders of what will be allowed or not allowed to talk about. They are  very careful just how far they go. I can almost hear the eggshells cracking in the background.

Mark Levin on Obama: “He is not a dictator even though he acts like one, sounds like one, and thinks like one. There I said it.” What? This statement makes no sense at all. You hear that?  The sound of eggshells cracking are very loud .

Levin is probably the worse of them all.  Levin claims to be a constitution expert. He even cites the federalists papers now and then. So, it seems odd Levin never brings up the fact that Obama’s father was a British citizen.  Levin out of all of them should know that alone disqualifies Obama from office.  Levin has never brought up the fact that VP Cheney was constitutionally required to ask for objections during the electoral count.

Levin also has a problem debating liberal callers. Oh wait, He doesn’t debate them.  He calls them a name and hangs up on them. Sometimes he will fire off a bunch of questions to the liberal caller, not give them any time to answer and hang up saying they didn’t want to answer.  I heard him once ask a lib caller 4 questions. One after another, then hang up. Not giving the lib any chance at all to get a word in. What is Levin afraid of?  Why would any lib call his show knowing he wont be able to finish a sentence?  However, if you bought any of Levin’s books or heaped praise after praise on him, you have all the time in the world to talk. Heck, he may even come back to you after a break. Is Levin afraid to debate?  I know I love it when a lib is taken apart bit by bit. But time after time, Levin wont do it.

The best talk show host to take on a lib in my opinion would have to be Gibson. He purposely takes calls from Libs. He lets the whole world see just how uninformed, racists, and uneducated they are.  He is also very funny. Along with Angry Rich and Christine.

Mark Levin calls the Obama regime a “soft tyranny.” He will then proceed to say what all Obama has done. How much of the private market he has taken over, the rights we have and will lose. On and on he goes. By the time Levin is done, he just described a hard tyranny. I wonder what would be considered a hard tyranny in his eyes?  If any caller calls it a hard tyranny, or goes to far in describing Obama, I can almost hear the panic in his voice.  “Be careful” Levin will say to a caller. Or, “I don’t think I will be in trouble for that. What do you think Mr. Producer?” In trouble from whom?

Levin calls everyone a backbenchers. Hell even I have seen where Obama was going before Levin did. I have written blogs in the past that predicted what Obama was doing weeks before Levin or even the others seen it.   It was just a couple of days after the oils spill that I knew Obama purposely wanted that oil to come ashore so he can say, “See? This is what happens when we drill.” Then it  gives him an excuse to shut down drilling. Levin brags what he says will be repeated tomorrow. It’s very rare I ever seen that happen.  Now Rush, yes. What Rush says will make the rounds of the MSM. It will be taken out of context or even be misquoted but he’s out there in all the broadcasts.  I have started to listen to Levin less and less.

I have a job so I’m not able to listen to Rush’s program all the way through but as of yet I haven’t heard Rush or Levin talk about the Blago trial. About how Obama had lied to the FBI and how that should get Obama arrested.  Why are they silent on this trial going on? It’s very puzzling.

Rush has “Open line Friday.” Yeah, right. He says we are boring but he is willing to talk about anything his callers want to talk about. All that is except Obama birth certificate, his dual citizenship, or anything that could get Obama kicked out of office.  Open line Friday my ass.  Rush, Levin, and Savage  call Obama a narcissist  yet in the same breath say how great they themselves are.

Every now and then Rush will tease his audience by bringing up the fact Obama has never shown his birth certificate. It’s the way he does it though. He tries to do it in a lighthearted way.  They all leave out the fact that Obama has paid $2 million or so trying to keep it hid.  A man who worked in the Hawaiian government during the election has come out and says he would swear in court there is no birth certificate on file for Obama is completely ignored.

Savage is very hard to listen to. Savage will bring up the fact Obama is not a natural-born citizen. He will bring up the crimes that Obama has committed.  The problem is, the only way you would be able to hear it is if you listen to the whole show. He goes after Obama hard but he jumps all over the place. He plays music, he talks about where he ate and how it messed up his body. His latest illness.   Look, I could care less about his last bowel movement or his personal life. I want the dirt on Obama.  Savage also seems to have problems with women. I admit I don’t listen often but every time he brings up a woman politician, he puts them down. He seems to have a special hatred for Sarah Palin.  I have heard him on numerous times get his facts completely wrong on her.

I seen McCain purposely throwing the election. I’m not sure how Savage feels about that but try telling Rush or Levin that. See how long you last on the line or even getting past the call screener. I do know Savage feels Obama was selected for President and I agree with him. It was so obvious.  Where he is wrong though, he blames Sarah Palin for McCain’s loss. It was Palin who brought the energy to the campaign. It was her the people wanted to see. Not McCain.  If it wasn’t for Palin, McCain wouldn’t have gotten as many votes as he did.  Savage really needs to get over his sexists attitude.

My guess…talk radio gets a lot of listeners because they hope one day they will really go after Obama.  They like me, will give up when they  realize,  they wont or can’t.   They continually harp about how important it is to vote this fall when if they would had gone after him from day one, Obama wouldn’t be president now and we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Thanks for nothing guys.  Some things are more important than how many people you can get to listen to the shows.