Rovingpatrol's Blog

Satan Controls The Press

Posted in politics by roving on June 5, 2010
Flag of Israel with the Mediterranean sea in t...
Image via Wikipedia

I don’t know how else to explain what happens anytime Israel defends herself.  It makes no difference what the facts are, Israel will be blamed.

I cringe whenever Israel strikes back after rocket attacks on Israeli civilian populations and most recently the Flotilla incident because I know what is coming next. The press will not report the facts. Instead they will twist the story so it looks like Israel  was the provocateur.

Videos and documents have been posted of exactly what went down before and during the boarding of the Flotilla yet the press pretty much ignores it all. How can the press and the people be so blind?  The  hatred the press, world leaders, and the people have for Israel is numb minding.  The only answer I can come up with is Satan has taken control. He has blinded them, taken away all reasoning and caused them to become ignorant. They continually try to spread their disdain for Israel over the airwaves.

When Israeli commandos boarded the so-called ship of peace I waited to see what the U.S. reaction would be. Knowing both Obama and Hillary Clinton are anti semitic, I wasn’t surprised by their reactions.

It was after that, the first thing that popped in my head was, is this the beginning of the end? Are we fast tracking towards the last days?  The world is standing against  Israel just as the bible said would happen.

It amazes me how many people must not read the bible. It lays it all out. Do they not realize Israel cannot be defeated?   God will step in before Israel is destroyed. Then there will be hell to pay. Obama may think he is the Messiah but he isn’t nothing more than a two-bit Chicago thug agitator.  The problem is, he will take America down with him even though I will bet  most Americans side with Israel.  (except the majority of American Jews which is mind-boggling in itself)

God Has Turned His Back On The United States

Posted in politics by roving on April 2, 2010

People are desperate. They see where the country is going. It wont be long and the United States will be just a memory. Our kids will be telling their grandchildren what the United States used to stand for. How other countries looked to ours for leadership, protection, and a place where everyone wanted to live.

It wasn’t long after 9/11 when I started thinking  the attack was a warning from God. We had been protected and blessed for so long and then God showed us what can happen if we turn our backs against him. He lifted his protection just for a moment.

The people didn’t pay attention to the warning.  The media still continually mock God. People try to remove God and Christian holidays out of view. Even a simple thing as the symbol of the  red cross agitates these people. They say people who believe in God are dangerous.

A Muslim was selected as our president. A Jew hater. He sat in Rev. Wrights church for 20 years listening to Jew hate speech. Obama attended a Jew bashing party that to this day the LA Times refuses to release the tape of. Obama makes fun of people who believe in God with his clinging to guns and religion statement.

The courts turned against religion and continue to be against religion with the bogus separation of church and state argument. It was a judge who made that up. It is nowhere in the Constitution.

If this country turns its back on Israel, we are finished and it looks exactly what Obama and Hillary Clinton are doing. Obama hasn’t sold Israel weapons since being in office. He had treasonous talks with the Palestinians telling them to keep up the resistance.

Churches all over the country pray God will intervene and save the United States yet it appears as though God still has his back turned against us. Everything Obama wants, Obama gets. Obama and his administration  can commit crime after crime and nothing happens. Even the Republicans say nothing and let it happen. God has closed the eyes and minds of Obama supporters. What they hated Bush for doing, are  fine with Obama doing the same thing and worse. They worship Obama as a God.

Obama will soon have control over our life through his health bill. He slapped all of us in the face who are against abortion forcing us to pay the  killing of babies. He goes after our seniors cutting their care and medicines.

Obama’s people will decide who receives treatments and who does not.  If he treats us like he treats the states and the dealerships who didn’t vote for him, it isn’t going to be pretty.

Every day it seems I see a little bit more of America dissipate. I no longer feel proud to be an American. Our enemies laugh at us and our friends are turning away from us. Its looking as though the millions who have shed blood and continue to do so for this country is and was in vain. I’m just glad I’m no longer in the military. I don’t think I could handle serving under a commander in chief who has such disdain for this country.

Maybe God gave us Obama to show us what will happen if we don’t change our ways and will begin to answer the peoples prayers and mete out some justice down the road.