Rovingpatrol's Blog

Bush Didn’t Do These Things

Posted in politics by roving on April 27, 2010

We are almost a year and half into the Obama dictatorship and Obama, along with the media and the democrats still blame Bush for all of Obama’s   failures.

Bush didn’t:

Cause the bank failures

High unemployment

Apologize to the world for America

Bow down to our enemies.

Disrespect our friends

Attend a racists church

Hang out with a murderer and terrorists.

Attend a Jew bashing party

Insult handicapped people

Make fun of people who have religion and are gun owners

Take over American companies

Having a goal of  running Insurance companies out of business

Speak to everyone but whites to help his party to hold onto power come Nov.

Put the United States trillions into debt

Make the United States weaker

Get our soldiers killed with new rules of engagement

Say he wouldn’t raise our taxes but do it anyway

Say he wants to bankrupt coal companies

Wants our electricity and all energy prices to skyrocket

Have the media continually cover for him

Take as many vacations

Receive praise from dictators for being like them

Fire CEO’s of American companies

Treating Israel as the enemy

Used the dead soldiers  coming home as a photo-op

Would allow his brother to live in a hut surviving on $12 a year

Think rich people are evil even though he himself is one of the rich ones.

Take over almost 50% of our economy

Have pictures of himself plastered all over the White House

Stand there with his head cocked up looking down at everyone

Used a teleprompter for simple meetings

Lack of news conferences (9 months and counting)

Take his podium everywhere

Hide every single document about his past

Purposely ruin the economy

Turned the White House into party central

Receive millions of dollars from mysterious overseas donors

Teach other community organizers on how to intimidate others

Take credit for others work

Wanted  it to be a crime to defend yourself with a gun against a home intruder

Obama did these things.

Was Obama Tipped off By Fitzgerald?

Posted in politics by roving on April 15, 2010

A woman who says she is a judge called into the Mark Levin show back in 2008 said she thinks Obama was tipped off and there was a cover-up in by Fitzgerald or someone in his office in order to protect Obama.  The judge is curious of why the wire taps were ended so suddenly.

Why did Fitzgerald end the investigation into Blago so soon? The judge in the upcoming trial has already said some documents will not be released. Seeing as how all judges to date have helped in the cover-up into Obama not releasing his documents that are sealed by using a strange excuse of “no standing” I can guess who’s name is most likely in the documents the judge says may not be made public.

Kenyan Parliament AGAIN Says Obama Was Born in Kenya

Posted in politics by roving on April 11, 2010

How many times must Kenyan officials say Obama was born in Kenya before anyone cares?  From my count, the Kenyan Parliament has mentioned it four times now.   Once right after Obama “won” the election and now again last month.

The ministry of lands James Orengo said this as the parliament was working out their new Constitution pdf:   “If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?”

Tax payer funded far left NPR had even did a story on Kenyan born Obama dated in 2008! The same NPR who call birthers nuts.

African news called Obama Kenyan born when he was running for the senate. Obama’s grandmother says Obama was born in Kenya. The Kenyan ambassador said Obama was born in Kenya.  Michelle Obama called Kenya Obama’s “Home country.”

Why is everyone falling back on the bogus Hawaii said Obama was born in Hawaii when that is not what they said? Could it be because there are so many people complicit in one of the biggest frauds in the history of this country, half our government would be  put on trial for treason?

Why didn’t Cheney ask for any objections during the counting of electoral votes in the congress? The Constitution states he MUST ask for objections.

What This Canadian Thinks Of America

Posted in politics by roving on April 10, 2010

Obama travels around the world trashing the United States. He thinks we are selfish and arrogant.

America has always been there to to help. How many countries have helped America?  The United States has nothing to be ashamed of. You hear that Obama?

Granted this was written in 1973 but it still holds true today.  Journalist Gordon Sinclair in 1973:

The Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals

Posted in politics by roving on April 9, 2010

From Facebook:

If a Conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.

If a Liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat..

If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.

If a Liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.

A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.

Liberals demand that those they don’t like be shut down.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.

A Liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it’s a foreign religion, of course!)

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.

A Liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a Conservative reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.

A Liberal will delete it because he’s “offended”.

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Beck, O’Rielly, MSM Forced To Defend Obama Over His Birth Certificate

Posted in politics by roving on April 7, 2010

By now millions have seen the tape of Michelle Obama calling Kenya Obama’s home country. Glenn Beck and other conservatives think Obama’s people are releasing tapes like that in order to bait the birthers and looking for reasons to mock them.  Glenn thinks Obama is poking at the birthers. Make them even more extremists.

What does Beck and the MSM use as evidence that convinces them beyond a doubt Obama was born in America? A news paper ad, a COLB that was proven a fraud, and the false assumption  Hawaii officials said he was born in Hawaii.

Anyone can  go out on the web and see for themselves all the stories and documents that show there is a big problem here. I’m sure Beck and the others have done just that yet are forced to call us kooks when they are the ones who come off as kooks by using what they have as “evidence.”

Mark Levin was talking to Hannity one night on Levin’s radio show and mentioned how large their listening audience has grown. Obama being in the White House has been very very good for them.

If you notice, certain things seems to be off limits to Glenn Beck and the MSM. Things like all his college records being sealed. Things that shouldn’t have anything to do with Obama’s birth certificate.  Why? Because his records would reveal the truth. Never in the history of the United States has so many records been sealed about a president, by a president. It was the very first thing Obama did after being sworn into office.

Obama knows  Fox News and the rest of the media  are not allowed to question the mountain of circumstantial evidence  showing there are huge questions of Obama’s nationality.

Obama is poking at Glenn Beck and the MSM then sitting back laughing as they all are  forced to defend him.

Liberty Sphere Report: Obama A Fraud and Liar

Posted in politics by roving on April 5, 2010

Its a shame the media was digging into Sarah Palin’s trash instead of doing real journalism work. If they had, we wouldn’t have almost 20% unemployment and be trillions in debt.

Obama was never a law professor. Obama never published a single article in the Harvard Law Review. What will it take to get the media off their knees before their king and do their damn jobs?

Michelle Says Kenya Is Obama’s Home Country

Posted in politics by roving on April 4, 2010

Michelle slips  up about Obama about Obama “home country.” To bad the media is so corrupt and keeps the truth hidden from the public.  Its just more evidence Obama wasn’t elected. Obama was selected to be president. McCain did everything he could to throw the election.

God Has Turned His Back On The United States

Posted in politics by roving on April 2, 2010

People are desperate. They see where the country is going. It wont be long and the United States will be just a memory. Our kids will be telling their grandchildren what the United States used to stand for. How other countries looked to ours for leadership, protection, and a place where everyone wanted to live.

It wasn’t long after 9/11 when I started thinking  the attack was a warning from God. We had been protected and blessed for so long and then God showed us what can happen if we turn our backs against him. He lifted his protection just for a moment.

The people didn’t pay attention to the warning.  The media still continually mock God. People try to remove God and Christian holidays out of view. Even a simple thing as the symbol of the  red cross agitates these people. They say people who believe in God are dangerous.

A Muslim was selected as our president. A Jew hater. He sat in Rev. Wrights church for 20 years listening to Jew hate speech. Obama attended a Jew bashing party that to this day the LA Times refuses to release the tape of. Obama makes fun of people who believe in God with his clinging to guns and religion statement.

The courts turned against religion and continue to be against religion with the bogus separation of church and state argument. It was a judge who made that up. It is nowhere in the Constitution.

If this country turns its back on Israel, we are finished and it looks exactly what Obama and Hillary Clinton are doing. Obama hasn’t sold Israel weapons since being in office. He had treasonous talks with the Palestinians telling them to keep up the resistance.

Churches all over the country pray God will intervene and save the United States yet it appears as though God still has his back turned against us. Everything Obama wants, Obama gets. Obama and his administration  can commit crime after crime and nothing happens. Even the Republicans say nothing and let it happen. God has closed the eyes and minds of Obama supporters. What they hated Bush for doing, are  fine with Obama doing the same thing and worse. They worship Obama as a God.

Obama will soon have control over our life through his health bill. He slapped all of us in the face who are against abortion forcing us to pay the  killing of babies. He goes after our seniors cutting their care and medicines.

Obama’s people will decide who receives treatments and who does not.  If he treats us like he treats the states and the dealerships who didn’t vote for him, it isn’t going to be pretty.

Every day it seems I see a little bit more of America dissipate. I no longer feel proud to be an American. Our enemies laugh at us and our friends are turning away from us. Its looking as though the millions who have shed blood and continue to do so for this country is and was in vain. I’m just glad I’m no longer in the military. I don’t think I could handle serving under a commander in chief who has such disdain for this country.

Maybe God gave us Obama to show us what will happen if we don’t change our ways and will begin to answer the peoples prayers and mete out some justice down the road.