Rovingpatrol's Blog

Criminal investigation of Barack Hussein Obama in Texas

Posted in politics by roving on March 22, 2009

Since it looks like Fitzgearld is going to let Obama get away with crimes he has committed as I knew all along he would, we may have some new help in the form of a Texas Law enforcement according to Orly Taitz.

If Obama is finally busted Orly deserves a medal and some impeachment hearings should be held for those that knew all along like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Polispi.

Ms. Taitz,

I have received your email and I will use it to further my investigation into the Criminal matter concerning Barack Hussein Obama.  The only thing that I will be able to file on is crimes committed in the City of Beaumont Tx.. However, with your information, I will attempt to add to the criminal charges or bring it to the attention of someone who can go further.  I am a very resourseful individual and I guarantee that I will fight to the end.  I do not enter into this matter lightly or with blind abandon.  I do this because I too took an oath as a Police Officer to defend the Constitution of not only the great state of Texas but also the great nation of the United States of America. More…

We Can Join Suit Against Obama

Posted in politics by roving on February 26, 2009

Orly Taitz will be filing two new legal actions. One for Federal Employees and one for you and I. It wont cost anything but Orly is taking donations.

I was listening to Mark Levin and he seemed extra pissed off. As he’s yelling, I’m thinking all you have to do is bring up Obama is a USURPER. Join the rest of us in demanding Obama release his papers. Mark is just one of the people I hold responsible Obama was elected and able to get away with not releasing anything. I look forward to hearing his and all the others excuses for not reporting or talking about all the lawsuits when it comes out Obama wasn’t born in the U.S.

Andy Martin Still Fighting On

Posted in politics by roving on January 7, 2009

Re: Martin v. Lingle
Circuit Court No. 08-1-2147-10-BIA

Dear Attorney Nagamine:

“This will respond to your cover letter and proposed order of today’s date.

I am getting the creepy feeling that the Hawai’i courts are operated as a secret society. You sent me a proposed ruling on my motion for reconsideration, and I have not even been advised the motion has been addressed and ruled on. How do you know what is going on before I do? The motion to reconsider was unopposed by your office. It should have been granted as an unopposed motion. Now there is some form of communication between your office and the judge, to which I am not a party. Not a party indeed.

Judicial proceedings should not only be fair and impartial; they should appear to be fair and impartial. The proceedings involving manipulation of Hawai’i’s official records do not even remotely pass the smell test. The entire nation has been horrified by the abusive treatment I have received in Hawai’i” More at Contrarian

What Does Phil Berg Have?

Posted in politics by roving on January 3, 2009

I haven’t been following Phil Berg’s case much lately so decided to check him out and see what has been happening.

Linda Star who I believe started the whole Obama birth certificate, keeps others informed on what is happening through comments in the obamacrimes website.  I vaguely remember talk about a suit Berg had filed that was under seal for 60 days. The 60 days are up tomorrow. Instead of me trying to explain this, I’ll let Linda Star do it.

Phil & Lisa are planning to some events to derail Barry’s plans.

There is a reason to keep it hidden if by revealing it, it might hamper or prevent a criminal prosecution of Barry. there is another suit under seal. I can’t discuss it, but an important deadline occurs tomorrow, Jan 4th.

The other action, under court seal, has implications of a criminal prosecution. If Barry’s response to this secret action is to refuse to prove he has not been defrauding the government since becoming a US Senator (by not even being a citizen and eligible), he can be prosecuted by Phil instead of waiting for the DOJ to act. If we produce evidence in public now that becomes tainted because it was made public, then we lose. All of this is crucial how it is handled. Like I keep saying, Phil will leave no stone unturned. No avenue to victory will be ignored, if at all viable.

You just have to trust Phil. I most definitely trust Phil. I’ve already said too much, but I can’t see that now, as the 60 day deadline is approaching tomorrow, will change anything.

Obama had 60 days to reply to a suit and it looks like he has ignored it. We just don’t know what it is and may find out tomorrow?

Obama’s Parents Divorce Papers

Posted in politics by roving on December 31, 2008

Ed Hale who says he was going to post Obama’s parents divorce papers which POSSIBLY says Obama was born in Kenya says there is a delay. The documents were sent by second day mail. He now says they will be delivered on Fri.

Like I said before, this is Ed Hale so I know I wont be getting my hopes up. Been there, done that to many times.

Does a Retired Colonel Have Standing? Cripes.

Posted in politics by roving on December 30, 2008

We have judges turning everyone down using the excuse they have no standing when it comes to forcing Obama to show his birt certificate.

Phil Berg has filed suit on behalf of  a Retired Military Colonel . The Colonel wants to know  whether or not to follow any of Obama’s orders

How many more excuses can judges come up with before deciding who has standing? I don’t think God himself would have standing with these judges.

Needed, A Class Action Lawsuit

Posted in politics by roving on December 24, 2008

What would it take to open up our congresses and the supreme courts eyes? So far, all  lawsuits being filed  against Obama are being dismissed. The media, talk  radio big shots, and news print refuse to report on all these lawsuits in depth. What they do report are false and misleading stories in the hopes of making the people concerned about Obama’s qualifications look like kooks.

What gets the medias attention are class action lawsuits involving thousands or millions of people. They would have no choice but to cover it.

Orly Taitz who is one of the lawyers representing Alan Keyes is willing to represent all active duty military, retired and reserve personal free of charge which is a good thing because I would think military personal involved in a lawsuit WILL get attention. I would have a problem myself serving under a commander in chief who for some strange reason refuses to produce his birth certificate. But a lawsuit containing possibly a million people would also be effective.

Obama Admits On Tape His Father Not Born Here

Posted in politics by roving on December 20, 2008

In the speech Obama gave about the Selma march Obama says his father was brought here by the US and given a scholarship to attend school. I myself wonder if perhaps he himself received a foreign scholarship since he wont release his college records.

Well? The constitution says Obama can’t be president then. So how is it he was able to run for president? I don’t understand.

Are The Supreme Court Hands Tied Till After Jan.8?

Posted in politics by roving on December 15, 2008

Is the Judicial Review Allowed Only After the Electoral College Vote and Congressional Certification?

“Is this why the Donofrio v. Wells (NJ) case is still pending? Is it only after the Electoral College votes and Congress certifies the election, that the Supreme Court believes it may take action regarding the eligibility of presidential candidates? The cases currently before the court, except for the Berg (PA) case, are versus state secretaries of state, not against Barack Obama, but perhaps that does not make a difference.”

Remember  Obama isn’t president yet because the votes haven’t been counted yet

From a commenter in Free Republic

“The Constitution does not address candidacy nuances prior to the actual EC vote (it’s all state issues prior), and federally Congress is not officially/formally notified of those candidates until the EC vote. The cases considered by SCOTUS so far demand delaying the EC vote so the state issues can be resolved – a grave act not to be done upone mere allegations of disqualification. Put coarsely: the Electoral College vote will not be delayed just because some state _might_ be stupid. There just isn’t enough evidence to mess with Congress’ edict that the EC shall vote on December 15th.

Even after the EC vote, I’m not sure SCOTUS can act until January 8. Examining the 12th Amendment, I see the votes are delivered _sealed_ to Congress – officially, nobody knows the votes until Dick Cheney himeself opens the envelopes, counts the votes, and declares a winner. Anyone bringing a challenge over the EC vote does not have standing to even know, officially, the outcome of that vote until then.

AFAIK, only the electors have standing to challenge O’s qualification, and that only between November 4 and December 15 (too late now). From December 15 to January 8, nobody has standing because officially nobody knows who won. On January 8, the first person to have standing is Dick Cheney (i.e.: current VP), who is the person who actually tallies the votes and would be in a position to question an Elector’s vote. Once the President Of The Senate (the current VP, Cheney) declares the winner (I anticipate O getting a majority vote, so other complications won’t happen), only then might the people at large have standing to challenge O’s qualifications.

So, upshot of my revised $0.02 opinion: the Supreme Court can, at this point (Dec 15, EC vote day), only take a case after January 8 as official federal notice of the outcome of the EC vote is only taken then.”

Lawsuits By Citizens Is Pure Garbage

Posted in politics by roving on December 14, 2008

That is the quote from the Obama camp. We are instead just supposed to take Obama’s word that he has a birth certificate and it says he was born here. (meanwhile they are building a monument at Obama’s birth place in Kenya)

We are to have faith Obama is telling the truth even though he has lied over and over throughout his campaign and continues to lie?  Why does Obama want a free pass when he himself made these remarks on his own website on the confirmation of Judge John Roberts for the supreme court?

“Let me also say that I remain distressed that the White House during this confirmation process, which overall went smoothly, failed to provide critical documents as part of the record that could have provided us with a better basis to make our judgment with respect to the nomination. This White House continues to stymie efforts on the part of the Senate to do its job. I hope with the next nominee who comes up for the Supreme Court that the White House recognizes that in fact it is its duty not just to the Senate but to the American people to make sure we can thoroughly and adequately evaluate the record of every single nominee who comes before us.”

What about these records? The people have elected a man who they know nothing about.

1. Occidental College records — Not released
2. Columbia College records — Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper — “not available”
4. Harvard College records — Not released
5. Selective Service Registration — Not released (because the one he did release looks forged)
6. Medical records — Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule — “not available”
8. Law practice client list — Not release
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate — Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth — Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published – None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles – None
13. Your Record of baptism– Not released or “not available”
14. Your Illinois State Senate records–“not available”

Yet ANOTHER Lawsuit Filed Against Obama

Posted in politics by roving on December 7, 2008

Red County is reporting another lawsuit.

How long can Obama ignore this? Every day there is another lawsuit filed. This latest one is filed in CA by 7 plaintiffs. They include 4 electors, vice presidential candidate for Ron Paul, and two registered voters.

Obama to date has spent over $800,00 fighting the release of his birth certificate. It would cost $12 for him to just get a copy and  release it. It would also take just one reporter, just one to point blank ask him why he refuses to release it and instead opts to spend 100,00’s of thousands of dollars to prevent the release of it.

If Obama was white, this would no longer be a issue. The media would have long ago demanded to see the birth certificate. There I said it. However, its THEY that are being racists.

What would it take since the media refuses to vet Obama and   the judges all act like cowards? A class action suit involving millions of Americans? Where do I sign up?

Hmm. Why Does The Left Want Inauguration Day Dec.1st?

Posted in politics by roving on December 5, 2008

Things that make you go hmm. Dan Rather along with other people on the left keep pushing for inauguration day to moved to Dec 1. Some even would even  like the the person elected to be able to take over the month of the election.

The excuses they use are Bush is a lame duck president. As far as I can remember, they are always called that anyway. What makes it such a big deal now during this election season? Could it possibly be because of Obama NOT being qualified to BE president due to his duel or non citizenship? Naw. Couldn’t be. All the media and newspapers say Obama is a natural born citizen.

If Obama had paid the 10 bucks to release his birth certificate and released all his college records I doubt they would be pushing for the moving the inauguration day. I smell panic.

Some people in Washington State are now suing to have Obama’s electoral votes set aside because they say Obama ran under a false name plus the not being natural born. Story in the Tri City Herald.

Example Of How News Media Loses Credibility

Posted in politics by roving on November 28, 2008


From NBC’s Pete Williams
“When the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court meet on Dec. 5th, in their regular private conference to decide which cases to hear, two lawsuits that have captivated a segment of the blogosphere will be up for discussion.”

It wouldn’t have even been a issue in the blogosphere if Pete Williams and the other reporters would had vetted Obama to begin with instead of making news about Palin’s kids and her clothes.

“Lawsuits over the inclusion of their names on state general-election ballots popped up around the country and were quickly dispensed with by local courts. But two challengers have pursued their cases to the Supreme Court.”

Lawsuits are still popping up. Four, not two have made it to the supreme court. None of the cases were thrown out due to merit. They were thrown out due to lack of standing.

“The justices are unlikely to take up these cases for a host of reasons, not the least of which is the invitation to overturn the results of an election in which more than 66 million Americans voted for Obama.”

What other hosts of reasons? Name these other “hosts of reasons.” Are you assuming if Obama is found ineligible the supreme court will just ignore the constitution?

“The Obama campaign had hoped to end the controversy last spring by releasing his actual Hawaii birth certificate. But that prompted further questions about its authenticity, which were compounded when state authorities in Hawaii said they could not vouch for it, because they were constrained by the privacy laws.”

Obama DID NOT release his actual birth certificate. That is  lie. He released a questionable COLB.

To make sure the MSNBC blog only received positive comments to Pete Williams “story,” they refused to let dissenting comments to come through.

Why not tell the story over the air? Why only on the web?

Pete Williams story is a clear example of lazy reporting, no checking of facts, censorship, and a clear indication of the reason people are losing trust in them.

Backup Plan If Obama Becomes President

Posted in politics by roving on November 25, 2008

“A lawyer who is playing a key role in a California lawsuit urging officials to prevent the state’s 55 Electoral College votes from being recorded for Barack Obama until questions about his citizenship are resolved says he’s organizing plans to challenge, even after the inauguration, every order, every proposal, every piece of paperwork generated by Obama.”

Story at WND

This whole thing could have been avoided 2yrs ago if the media had done their job. How they can pretend nothing is happening is beyond me. Lawsuits throughout the country, normal citizens along with lawyers doing what the press and Secretary of States should have done long ago.


Tidbit: A woman on the electorate list in CA, died in 2001

Tidbit: Joe Biden is an electorate. That is a no no.

Tidbit: A electorate in Ohio lives in New York. Another no no. The biggest no no? Nothing has been or will be done about it. (so far)

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Leo C. Donofrio New Website

Posted in politics by roving on November 23, 2008

Leo Donofrio’s old website was mysteriously taken down but he has a new website up and running.

For those dont know, Donofrio is suing Obama over having duel citizenship and his case is in front of the supreme court.  He also has filed charges of judicial misconduct against the NJ appellate judge from where his suit began.

Donofrio and Keys may have the strongest case against Obama at this time to get Obama thrown out of the presidency. He has had every kind of road block thrown at him but he is still chugging along.

The question is, will the supreme court uphold the US constitution?

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