Rovingpatrol's Blog

Bush Didn’t Do These Things

Posted in politics by roving on April 27, 2010

We are almost a year and half into the Obama dictatorship and Obama, along with the media and the democrats still blame Bush for all of Obama’s   failures.

Bush didn’t:

Cause the bank failures

High unemployment

Apologize to the world for America

Bow down to our enemies.

Disrespect our friends

Attend a racists church

Hang out with a murderer and terrorists.

Attend a Jew bashing party

Insult handicapped people

Make fun of people who have religion and are gun owners

Take over American companies

Having a goal of  running Insurance companies out of business

Speak to everyone but whites to help his party to hold onto power come Nov.

Put the United States trillions into debt

Make the United States weaker

Get our soldiers killed with new rules of engagement

Say he wouldn’t raise our taxes but do it anyway

Say he wants to bankrupt coal companies

Wants our electricity and all energy prices to skyrocket

Have the media continually cover for him

Take as many vacations

Receive praise from dictators for being like them

Fire CEO’s of American companies

Treating Israel as the enemy

Used the dead soldiers  coming home as a photo-op

Would allow his brother to live in a hut surviving on $12 a year

Think rich people are evil even though he himself is one of the rich ones.

Take over almost 50% of our economy

Have pictures of himself plastered all over the White House

Stand there with his head cocked up looking down at everyone

Used a teleprompter for simple meetings

Lack of news conferences (9 months and counting)

Take his podium everywhere

Hide every single document about his past

Purposely ruin the economy

Turned the White House into party central

Receive millions of dollars from mysterious overseas donors

Teach other community organizers on how to intimidate others

Take credit for others work

Wanted  it to be a crime to defend yourself with a gun against a home intruder

Obama did these things.

The hypocritical democrats

Posted in politics by roving on August 23, 2009

If the Democrats wasn’t so pathetic it would be almost laughable.  When Bush was president and the unemployment went up to 5%, they were all saying we were doomed.  recession was upon us. The figures for Obama go down from 9.5 to 9.4% using funny math, everything is looking good. The recession is over. Were on our way to a jobless recovery.

Bush left office with  650billion deficit and they were all up in arms. Obama’s deficit is going to run up to 10 trillion or more and that seems to be okay because well, its Obama bankrupting the country and that makes it good.

left-burning-GWB-effigy1 Posters of Obama being plastered all over as the Joker is racists. People calling Obama another Hitler is racists and very very wrong. We shouldn’t say them things about Obama. We should be ashamed of ourselves. Yet Bush being compared to Hitler, the Joker, signs calling for Bush’s house to be bomb, burning Bush in effigy, making a movie about a Bush assassination  was fine. Its freedom of speech.

Bush spying on Americans (even though they cannot come up with even one American it actually happening to) was unconstitutional. Obama not dropping it must be okay because I hear nothing from them in protest. Obama wanting people to turn in other people, wanting them to get into others faces, calling out his thugs to silent the opposition must also be okay with them because it isn’t Bush doing all that. If it were, could you imagine the news outcry and the coverage that would have gotten?

We put up with a hell of a lot from the Democrats during Bush’s presidency and now its been payback time.  Even the MSM and the libs are having problems trying to keep our side in check. They continually call us racists, right wingers, and wingnuts and it isn’t working.

What they must not have realized was WE outnumber THEM. Most have been staying silent, letting the slander and goading happen.  Obama thought everyone would love him. He was going to bring the world together and it would be nothing but rainbows and sugar candy. We would all hold hands and just let communism take hold of this country with no fight.  Well, he thought wrong. One thing Americans love is freedom.

I will give Obama this. He has jerked the sleeping giant awake, forced them to look again at our constitution and do not like seeing where we are headed.  People who have never been involved in politics and never really paid attention are now rising up to be heard.

I personally now of a person who changed from Democrat to Republican and I’ll lay odds there are thousands just like her.

It must suck  for the libs to have their own playbook used against them.  Your games no longer work but it is working against you.  The beauty of it is the Democratic Reps are stuck between a rock and a hard place. No matter what they do, their days are numbered.

AX034842 You overplayed your hand and it has come back to bite you. Now that’s priceless