Rovingpatrol's Blog

Liberals Sicken Me

Posted in politics by roving on May 23, 2010

The word liberal should be included in the definition of the word hypocrite. Along with the definitions gullible, brain dead, racists, communists and violent.

What Bush had done  during his presidency angered the libs. Yet Obama does the same thing  but more and the libs look the other way.

Obama can stand there in front of the cameras and tell a new lie every day and the libs just don’t see it or hear it. What we see there is brain damage in action.

The press fall over themselves slobbering over Obama while not telling the whole story, ignoring stories that put other liberals in a bad light, or out right lie in their stories. Meanwhile Obama bashes the press even though they are helping him.

Why would a liberal choose not to hear the truth? Why would they read or watch news stories that cover for Obama? Is it the brain damage effect? Are they afraid of hearing the truth? Its it like being in love with someone so much, you make excuses for that person when they cheat on you. You ignore what is in your face.  The one you love uses you over and over and spits you out, yet you just can’t let go. You take the abuse hoping the loved one will change.

How can they not be sicken when Obama travels around the country bowing down to dictators, apologizing for make believe wrongs we did?

Does it not bother them Obama and the rest of the Democrats never read the AZ bill yet condemn it anyway?  Do the liberals know the AZ law is more lenient to illegals then the Federal law?  Most likely not. Why are the liberals okay with what Mexico does to the people sneaking over the border there? Do they not know they are raped, beat, robbed and thrown in prison?  Do they just not care because it isn’t happening to them?

When the president of Mexico gave his speech in front of congress and all of the democrats gave him a standing ovation for bashing the U.S.,  why didn’t that anger the liberals? Do they hate this country that much?  The Mexican president stood up there and lied and the liberals just sucked it all in wanting to believe its true. The United States is a hateful racists country.

Not one tea party protester has ever been arrested or committed a crime. They have not beat anyone up or called anyone names. Yet the liberals do beat people up, call others names, commit acts of violence.  Do they not see who the true haters are. Why not?

Why would a liberal want the U.S. at the mercy of our enemies when it comes to oil? The only reason the oil spill happen in the Gulf was because of liberals. Oil companies are forced to go out farther, and dig deeper for oil. which in turn makes it more dangerous and harder to get. Meanwhile we have so much oil closer to shore and on land that its seeping all over.

Wind power is going to raise our electricity rates up to 40%. Its also unreliable. We have a wind farm not far from where I live and most times then not, they are standing still. Who do you want to bet will be the first to complain about higher energy bills when its all because of them in the first place?

Socialism has not worked ANYWHERE yet for some reason they think it will work here. Why would it? Sooner or later there wont be any money left to pay for all the programs they want.  Since when has a poor man ever hired anyone?

Why do the liberals think people want to come to this country so bad? Do they even know? Well let me help you idiots out. Its because of the freedoms. They are escaping the tyrannies in their own countries.

You see you liberal morons, if Obama and you all had your way, our country would be just like the countries they are escaping from.  Most Mexicans are conservative.  They believe in and want what you hate so much.

If this country turned to Obama’s way, there would be no more illegals wanting to sneak into this country because we would just like their own country and the liberal are so blind, they can’t see that.

Maybe  Liberals think if they pretend hard enough, life will be all about unicorns and skittles.